About Me

About Me

Hello, my name is Bingham, I’m a 11 year old boy (in 2018) and I love reading!

I am based in London and created the Bingbong books blog in August 2018 because
I needed to create a project for my school that helped other people.

I love my collection of books but am starting to run out of space and therefore decided to create my first blog to review my books and to find a new home for them.
The idea of a book blog came to me because it helps people to buy my old books that are recommended by me.  You can buy them at a cheaper price, with all the money going directly to my charity. www.shelterbox.com

I only have one book of each and you will be able to see if it’s still available. Once payment has been made via this website https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/bingbongbooks, I will deliver it to you.

Or you can just sponsor my charity https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/bingbongbooks for a good cause that helps others without buying a book and supporting my blog. 



  1. Hi I read the week junior and so I read the artical about you and your bingbong books and really like the sound of your Bingbong books website!😀From Anna age eight

    1. Hi Anna, sorry for the late response - I was away for the weekend. Thank you very much, I really appreciate you like my website. Best wishes, Bingham

    2. By the way - send me your email address and you can tell me where you live and I will be able to send you a free book because you are one of my first supporters from The Week Junior : ) Bingham

  2. hi how do you create your website because im interested in books and I read lot.

  3. Replies
    1. Hi Luca, yes of course I remember you. Send me your email address to binghammurraydouglas@yahoo.com
      hope you are well, Bingham : )

  4. binghammurraydouglas@gmail.com

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. wow you did all this!?
    your a hero!

  7. No system downtime - your business still needs to operate; and office 365


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